Thank you for your ongoing support!

Paradiso orphanage donations (yellow “Donate” button/PayPal) are up-dated daily. Symbols recognize individual’s total donations to MOWW since 2011.

$300 or more (*)

$500 or more (**)

$700 or more (***)

$1,000.00 or more (****)

$2,000.00 or more (+)

$5,000.00 or more (++)

$8,000.00 or more (+++)

Designed by Jessica Taylor

Ahluwalia, Sarab

**Alexander, Danika and Keith

Ayliffe, Robyn

(+)Bailey, Janet and Bob

Bailey, Kate

(+)Bell, Barbara, Brian

**Bell, Lauren and Jason

***Bell, Maureen and Jim

*Bennett, Krista and Matt

**Bharmal, Azim

(+++)Blackburn, Nicole and Don

*Coghlan, Heather

*Copping, Harold

(++)Currie, Blanche and Doug

Daloise, Rob

Davis, Ruth and Kerry

*Dedoming, Eva

Dempsey, Roisin

(+)Dixon, Elizabeth and Macedo, Ben

(+)Donovan, Lori, Arne

(+)Donovan, Lori (Source Mortgage Centre)

Douglas, Edna and Norm

***Dromey, Edele

***Duthie, Fran and Lorne

(+)Eberhart, Kathie and Greg

*Espe, Debbie and Larry

Espe, Brittany and Wetmore, Adam

Farris, Brad

*Finlay, Arryl

(+)Finlay, Kay and Bob

*Fischer, Barbara and Allan

Garcia Blanco, Alejandro, Cristy and

Garcia de Francisco, Claudio and Blanco Agramonte, Mercedes

Garcia, Nelson

Gibson, Neil

*Greidanus, Janet and Tom

*Hahn, Helmut

**Hauptman, Robert

Hayden, Bernita and Brian

Hesla, Shelley


**Hirtz, Earl (CWS Industries Mfg Corp)

(+)Hirtz, Earl, Max and Jasmine and Olund, Andrea

*Hirtz, Lois and Shank, Dan

(++) Hirtz, Lona

(+)Hirtz, Sandy and Hal

Hirtz, Hal (Trinity Offshore Technical Services Ltd)

*Horst, Matthias

(+++)Hryciuk, Laura and Dan

***Kassam, Jacqueline

Kirschner, David

***Kristoff, Oscar

*Lane, Garth

Langlois, Rachelle

(+)Lord, Joan and Lovel

****MacDonald, Taryn and David

****McIntyre, Ruth and Bruce

*McLeod, Bev and Scot

McLeod, Kurt

*Merwin, Ashley and Beerling, Chris

***Merwin, Harrison

**Merwin, Heather

****In loving memory of Zayde Moghrabi

Morrow, Don

(+)Narang, Zenia (Kuc) and Raj

****Okrainec, Pam and Craig

***Pachal, Michelle and Arnet

(+) Parapini, June

***Pederson, Randy

Rouault, Martina and Joe

(+)Salt, Barb and Andy

*Samuelson, Molly and Steve

(+)Schaffter, Jacquie and Pratt, Kevin

(++)Schaffter, Marg, Gretta, Bill and Taylor, Gary

*Shipley, Carolyn

(+)Souster, Keisha and Matt

****St. Albert Fire Fighters Union

**St. Arnaud, Val

(+)Stewart, Muriel and Dave

(+)Stewart, Donna and Tim

Sturgeon Community Hospital ER Team

****Summit Family Clinic

(+)Tam, Florence

Taylor, Jessica

*Tetz, Brianna

**TJ Flexhaug Photography

(+)Toeg, Annie and Abraham (Avi)

****Topliss, Darlene and John

Unger, Linda and Terry

United Nurses of Alberta

(+++)Vandentop, Geige and Bentz, Dana

(++)Vandentop, Nadine and Gil

**Veenhuyzen, Jan and Yorgo

**Warren, Marlene

****Wasnea, Sandra and Dennis

(+++)Westover, Chris and Finlay, Charlene

(+)Westover, Chayne and Garcia Blanco, Alejandro

*Westover, Kelly and Robert

****Westover, Ted

(++)Westover, Rachelle and Bell, Kevin

(+)Westover, Susan and Alexander, Stuart

***Witschen, Anne

Wong, Cindy

*Yue, Jennifer

****Zanon, Mike