Together we raised $9,464.00 with the Carnival MOWW event PLUS, the 2016 A-Dollar-A-Day campaign of $11,921.52
Extra special thanks to: MOWW Event Sponsors Earl Hirtz – for creating and mailing out his 2017 calendars for A-Dollar-A-Day child sponsorships Travis Flexhaug – again donating his time and photography skills to capture the event Run Digital (rundigital.ca) – Sheila McConney, Stan Taylor – generously providing posters for our event sponsors and a poster of the Paradiso children Source Mortgage Centre (sourcemortgage.ca) – Lori Donovan – $735.00 towards event costs Chris Westover – $1500.00 to sponsor the band Infinite Event Services Inc (infiniteeventservices.com) – Sheldon Fingler – provided carnival games at a fundraiser discount Rule of Nines Award winning band (ruleofnines.ca) – provided at a fundraiser discount. “They have been nominated or have won seven different Canadian National music awards, including a Canadian Covenant Award in Burlington, Ontario in 2013”
Thank You for participating in the Carnival MOWW event!
Event Decoration and Extras
Bill and Margaret Schaffter – donated their expenses, time and creativity to make the event ticket booth, the popcorn archway and the Porkchop Speedway track (with help from Gretta and Jacquie Schaffter) Margaret Schaffter and Charlene Finlay (Troopers) – planning, invitations, decorations, etc etc Gary Taylor and Chris Westover – running errands, helping with props etc and putting up with it all
Jacquie Schaffter – donated her expenses and time to make the red carnival aprons and the photo booth curtain backdrop
Nicole Blackburn, Nadine and Mackenzie Vandentop – donated props, costumes for Fortune Tellers
Nadine and Gilroy Vandentop-donated carnival vests for the Carnie’s
Margaret Schaffter – designed and supplied the event Kiddie Carnie Store, balloon dart game, rubbie duckie game, sticker board etc etc
Rachelle Westover, Kevin Bell and Chayne Westover – help with making table pinwheel centerpieces and candy apples etc
Chris Westover – made the kids photobooth and helped with frames for signage
Karen Ching – made banners for the Kiddie Carnie store and games area
Trinity Offshore Technical Services Ltd (toffshore.com) – Sandy and Hal Hirtz – donated fifteen blue hoodies with Carnival MOWW logo on the back
Hall Set-Up and Event support crew
Hall Set-Up – Nicole Blackburn, The Vandentop family, The Westover family, Sandy and Hal Hirtz, Jacquie Schaffter, Margaret Schaffter, Karen and Kam Ching, Jenn Yue, Laura Hryciuk, Barbara Bell, Bob and Kay Finlay, Blanche Currie
Ticket Booth Vendors – Mackenzie Vandentop, JD Lett, Chayne Westover and Alejandro Garcia Blanco MC – Rachelle Westover
The lovely Fortune Tellers – Nicole Blackburn, Nadine and Mackenzie Vandentop
The wonderful clown – JD Lett
The Carnie’s – Hal and Sandy Hirtz, Bob Finlay (Papa), Breanne Blackburn, Robert Finlay, Laura Meeker, Gilroy and Geige Vandentop, JD Lett, Mackenzie Vandentop, Kevin Bell, Alejandro Garcia Blanco, Danika Bray Carnival Silent Auction Judge – streamlining the Silent Auction – Jacquie Schaffter
Cornerstone Hall – kindly allowed us into the hall a day early to work on our decorations and set-up Kelley’s Cafe And Bakery – great to work with, and her array of carnival food was wonderful Best Western – The Inn at St. Albert – provided a group rate for out-of-town guests Barbara Bell-made and iced the delicious Carnival themed cupcakes Bob, Kay, Nicole and Nadine – made around 75 vege cups
Transporting Props
Margaret Schaffter, Gary Taylor, Robert Finlay, Chris Westover, Charlene Finlay, Alejandro Garcia Blanco
All the many people who stayed until the wee hours to help dismantle the props/decorations and clean up
Hand-made auction items – many hours of creativity
Michelle Pachal – donated her Africa themed quilt (20-25 hours of sewing) Kay Finlay (Nana) – donated six of her knitted items Bob Finlay – donated six of his Gulf Island Driftwood items ( Earl Hirtz-donated four of his photographs with Glass/Aluminum laster infused framing Chris Westover – donated two of his hand made peek-a-boo birdhouses Charlene Finlay – two reprints on canvas of original oil paintings
Special Support/Inspiration
Michael’s amazing family and extended family, many of whom travelled long distances to attend Marg Schaffter – my “buddy”, without whom this event could/would never have been possible Jessica Taylor (from a distance) – creative direction – Carnival MOWW logo design, postcard invitation etc etc
Sturgeon Hospital staff for participating in the
Nurse-For-A-Day Fundraiser
From the “draw”, Dr Rachelle Westover was “Nurse For A Day” working with Nurse Paula Karaki on Oct. 27, 2016. “It was an enjoyable shift with the Sturgeon Hospital Emergency Department Nurses, covering Triage and Resuscitation Rooms”. The wine gift basket draw winner was Nurse Charlene Soroka
Event Profit Breakdown:
Nurse For A Day, Alcohol tickets, Carnival Hoodies, Tickets at the door (12% of event profits) People who supported our event by buying tickets (42% of event profits) Generous Silent Auction donators and the amazing people who provided them (22% of event profits) – recognized in Blog entry
People who provided donations to MOWW (24% of event profits) – recognized in Blog entry Plus, Extra Special Thanks to the people who support the 2016 Calendar Fundraiser by generously sponsoring a child for A Dollar A Day – recognized in Blog entry and on the Paradiso Children page